The Egg Albany
Proud to be working on renovating the two theaters at The Egg in Albany. It is a spectacular Wallace K Harrison building on the mall.
Proud to be working on renovating the two theaters at The Egg in Albany. It is a spectacular Wallace K Harrison building on the mall.
Proud to be working on renovating the two theaters at The Egg in Albany. It is a spectacular Wallace K Harrison building on the mall.
Proud to be working on renovating the two theaters at The Egg in Albany. It is a spectacular Wallace K Harrison building on the mall.
Our friends at the St. George Theater are great clients and they have the most spectacular theater. So proud we were about to help them renovate. If you watch you can see how we approached the design.
Final punch list has been issued and we are waiting for the final cleaning.
We were almost there when we put the brakes on the new bronze doors at the St. George Theater.
Painting Mockups in Progress
We recently completely a renovation to the Pels Black Box and Lounge.
We will be leading a tour of the St. George Theatre for the Professional Circle of the NY Landmarks Conservancy.,-73.9827421,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgFAdXAGx_LMAAAQzQFQ5yQ!2e0!7i13000!8i6500!6m1!1e1