Fred Basch, AIA
Fred Basch is the principal of Fred Basch Architect. Mr. Basch is currently working on the renovations at Studio 54 and the American Airlines Theatre for the Roundabout Theatre Company. The firm is also working with other theatre companies and completed historic preservation projects. Mr. Basch has a long history of delivering successful projects to the NYC Department of Design and Construction and to not-for-profits. He has led the design efforts for many award-winning projects including the American Airline Theatre Renovation, the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre and the Central Park Precinct renovation.
How We Work
We enjoy the challenges presented by designing spaces for our clients. Our view is that people and their activities need to be supported by the building, the facilities, and the technology inside the building. Architecture should reinforce the bonds that tie people to their work.
For theatre work, actors and dancers must be connected to the audience and the audience too must feel a connection to those on the stage.
For public buildings, employees should have comfortable and productive workspaces.
For private residences, homeowners should feel that their built environment supports their daily life.
For the last eighteen years we have designed spaces for private clients, public entities and not for profit organizations. We have learned that spending a few extra dollars of capital money can save thousands of dollars over the life of the renovation. Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing utilities need to work seamlessly and attention must be paid to ensure that they can be maintained with minimal effort.
Finally, we do not believe that there is one aesthetic style that will best serve your needs. This results in a new approach for each client and each job. Though committed to aesthetics, we believe that there is equal beauty in a well planned, functional, and easy-to-maintain space.
Fred Basch, AIA, Principal